Dough Mixers

Esmach mixers are versatile and reliable, and were studied to guarantee the best dough quality for oven-baked products such as pizza, bread and pastries. They are solid, extremely versatile and very reliable. They provide maximum levels of safety, and particular accuracy when processing. Their ergonomic, innovative design confirm the best dough tradition, projecting it into the future. 

Discover them
impasto macchine impastatrici esmach

The advantages of

our mixers

The transparent LID protection for food contact obliges the flour  to remain inside the machine, thus reducing  the dispersion of sensitizing allergens, which could cause breathing aliments

Choose the equipment
that suits you best

 Choose the technology of your dreams!


for always hydrated and never overheated doughs



for dough that is always hydrated and never overheated


tipping onto a hopper or a worktable




tipping onto a hopper or a worktable


makes high quality dough in fast sequence



extremely compact, it is perfect in small areas


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